Yippeeeeeeeeeeee The delightful and gorgeous South Devon Chilli Farm are fuelling my channel attempt! All the chilli chocolate I can eat! I know, I have my priorities bang on! Best sponsor to have….. There are pros and cons, naturally. I am trying to put on weight- and yes choccy will help, but chilli boosts the metabolism, so that may combat some of the lard value of the choc. There’s also some laced with coffee- as if I needed caffeining up! Yikes- had a little chunk and danced round the house, bench pressing Dylan above my head for 45mins! Hmmmm maybe it wasn’t such a small chunk, but it was gooooooooooooooooooood.

I’ve also completed the first half of my Aspire channel challenge- 500 lengths of Taunton pool in 5hrs 36 mins. Will be doing the other half on Nov 7th- so am eating frantically to regain strength. Felt OK throughout which was great, but have noticed a definite pattern with my energy- really struggle 10k-13k. Before that, am fine, after that, pick up to original pace, but man o man do I take a dive after 300lengths. No doubt about it!

And it makes such a difference having lane counters- it’s a mix of someone egging you on, someone to not let down and very much the fact that I don’t have to think about anything, can drift or concentrate on my stroke pattern. Concentrating for 5 1/2 hrs without let up is tough, but I needed a mental toughness day and boy did I get it! Still, did it. Might have to give myself the day off after the next one though!!! Arms did feel a little floppy after 4 hrs of back to back massaging….ooops. Such a numpty. Although they feel fine today, so not a bad sign in all.

